The most prominent ADS feature is the horizontal tabbed menu. The menu is organized into different tabs, each tab displays features/information related to the section.
OVERVIEW provides access to ADS Annual Update, Change Requests, Self-Study and CLER Site Visit dates, documents, and uploads.
INSTITUTION provides access to your institution's accreditation and general information, administrative personnel user accounts, Institutional Review Questions, Learning and working Environment, major changes, citations and notification letters.
Administrative personnel users can add new personnel or edit/change existing DIO, CEO, and institutional coordinator information.
PARTICIPATING SITES provides access to the sites you have listed as having an affiliation with your sponsoring institution. From this list your sponsored programs will choose the individual rotation sites (to comply with common program requirements that routinely provide an educational experience). This section allows you to ADD a new site, DELETE or EDIT an existing site.
SPONSORED PROGRAMS provides a listing of your sponsored program(s). You may view and edit Program, Faculty, Residents, Sites, and Site Visit information. Program level Reports are also accessible. This section also allows electronic initiation and verification of a new program application.
SITE VISITS access to view and edit your Institutional Review Questionnaire (IRQ) and Uploads, current citation (edit citation response), and notification letters.
REPORTS provides access to Institutional Data reports and downloads. A sample of reports and downloads available: Program Leadership/Participating Site Changes, Program History Summary, Approved/Filled Complement, and List of Institutions and Programs Affiliated with this Institution.