Programs Voluntary Withdrawal: Program Directors (PDs) must initiate a voluntary withdrawal request in ADS. After the PD has submitted the request, an email will be sent to the DIO for approval. The DIO decision is then forwarded to the Review Committee. The PD and DIO will receive an official notification once the program's accreditation status has been changed to voluntary withdrawal.
To initiate a Program Voluntary Withdrawal Request:
- Log into the program's ADS account with the PD login.
- From the Program tab, click Requests and then Voluntary Withdrawal
- Click the Instructions header to expand and review instructions.
- Complete the request form.
- Click Submit for DIO/GMEC Approval.
Sponsoring Institutions Voluntary Withdrawal: The DIO may request voluntary withdrawal of their institution's accreditation (due to merger, loss of resources for GME, change in organizational plans, acquisition by another Sponsoring Institution, no ACGME - accredited programs, or for other reasons).
The DIO must initiate a voluntary withdrawal request in ADS and submits the request to the Institutional Review Committee (IRC). The IRC no longer accepts letters sent directly to them requesting this action. The DIO will receive an official notification once the sponsor's accreditation status has been changed to voluntary withdrawal and all sponsored programs will be administratively withdrawn.
To initiate a Sponsor's Voluntary Withdrawal Request:
- Log into the Sponsoring Institution's ADS account with the DIO login.
- Click the Institution tab
- From the right panel, select Voluntary Withdrawal under Requests.
- Click the Instructions header to expand and review instructions.
- Complete the request form.
- Click Submit for DIO/GMEC Approval.