Residents/Fellows are automatically scheduled for Milestones based on their status and training dates in ADS for the current academic year. If you believe a Resident/Fellow has been scheduled/not scheduled in error, first verify their status and training dates on the Resident/Fellow roster in ADS, and make any corrections as needed, or enter any missing Leaves of Absence (LOA). If the roster is correctly updated and the Milestones schedule has not changed after 15 minutes, complete all the scheduled evaluations as this means they are required.
Common reasons a resident/fellow unexpectedly IS NOT scheduled for a Milestone:
- The resident/fellow had an LOA of any length at any point during the current semester.
- The resident/fellow has a ‘Started Off-Cycle’ status due to a later-than-usual start date and is still within their first semester of training with the program.
- The resident/fellow completed, withdrew, transferred, or otherwise left the program before the cutoff date for inclusion in Milestone scheduling; therefore the Milestone from the previous semester will serve as their final evaluation in ADS.
In all of the above scenarios, the program is welcome to evaluate the trainee independently and save a copy for their internal records, but no electronic submission in ADS will be required.
Common reasons a resident/fellow unexpectedly IS scheduled for a Milestone:
- The resident/fellow completed, withdrew, transferred, or otherwise left the program after the cutoff date for inclusion in Milestone scheduling, so one final evaluation is required.
- The resident/fellow completed, withdrew, transferred, or otherwise left the program within their first ever semester of training with your program, so a single (and final) evaluation is required.